Create Highquality Content
while you sleep

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With our fully automated content system, you only need to set it up once to get a steady stream of quality articles in your inbox every day.


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Yearly growth

Powerful Content features for your Channel

Fully automate your content planning with the ability to Schedule

The Schedule feature allows you to set up daily, weekly, and monthly content automation schedules, with the ability to set up different content types, models, and languages.

Blog post
X Thread
Public article

High-quality content creation

The content model has been tested and refined over a long period of time, and is able to make targeted content for specific areas of topics, as well as audiences, and is especially suited to building trust with potential customers, something that needs to be maintained over time, with content that is not only clearly structured, but also equipped with 4 cover images that fit the topic, 4 illustrations, and the key parts of the content that have been bolded, as well as mobile-ready readable paragraph splits.

Specific Content Models
Key parts bolded
30 headlines to choose from
Cover Image

Content Topics creation

Choosing what content topics to do is a very annoying thing for every self-publisher, but in Deku, when you set up a Schedule, topics are automatically created for you, and the number of topics is based on your quantity X 5, this is with the whole content creation is one and done!

Topics Creation
Automatically create topic content

Automated links to your inbox

The most basic capabilities already include, automating the sending of completed content to your Email, and you can even automate the integration of content output to different platforms such as Notion, bridging your entire workflow!

E-mail Reception
Docx file,Cover image, illustration, attachment
Notion integrations

Unlocking your potential


Sign Up and Get Started

Create your account and get started with our intuitive onboarding process. Signing up takes just minutes.


Create Your Schedule

Set your content goals, audience, content type, time period, syou will receive multiple content topics.You can even set up automatic content theme selection, which enables you to skip step 3 below.


Choose Content Topic As You Like

In the Dashboard, you can see the content topics that have been created, and with a single click, you can receive complete, high-quality, full-text content, including 4 cover images that match the content topic, 4 illustrations.


Receive Content In Your E-mail

Receive emails with completed content and you can even synchronize it to notion through automation, as well as other different tools.

We believe  automation can
liberate your productivity indefinitely

More then 1K+ self-media creators use Deku

Our customer's experience

Trusted by 1K+ customers
4.4/5.0   |   3,458 Reviews